Thursday, December 8, 2011

T-e-s-t T-y-p-e

Ah-hem . Uh, is this thing on? . Re-verb, whoa. I guess so.

I am so cold at writing, I hardly know where to start. Well, not at writing. I still write for work. Everyday. A lot. And for school. Not everyday. Not so lot. But, ah-hem, let me clear my throat. See, this isn't so hard.

I have wanted to pick the blog back up for so long, but haven't for a number of reasons, not the least of which is laziness seasoned with a bit of busy, broiled in procrastination served with the foie gras-textured what-do-I-write-about-as-an-employed-person-on-a-blog-called-Lady-Laid-Off?

Well, it may not be a rich dish, but here we go, just to get back in the swing of things.

Today was a happy day. Today I learned with certainty that I can claim at least - at the very least - three days of my life back from the expressway. My company is relocating and my commute time will be cut by 45 minutes each day (conservative estimate - I think it may be more like 1 hour, but I will hold off and be pleasantly surprised). This means I have just under four extra hours every week, 15 hours a month and three whole days a year back into my wallet of spendable time. Or rather, will have. This is a year in the making.

Small victories, though, right?

And enough blogging for now. I am boring myself.