Monday, July 13, 2009

You're Not a Chubby, Greasy, Poorly Dressed Person!

Came back to work on Monday. Same building, sitting one floor down. It's funny - when people first saw me, particularly if they didn't know I was coming back, they all said the same thing: "You look good!"

Even better was how most people I took by surprise said it: "You look...good..." As if, they were really blown away I maintained a standard of physical decency. The surprise in their voices pretty much said: "Huh. You didn't go off the deep end after being let go. Well done!"

Other frequently heard comments:
  • "Your hair got long!" Well, that happens after four months, I suppose.
  • "You look so well rested!" Yep. I've been sleeping about 10 hours a day for quite some time.
  • "You are tan!" Well, let's just say that after confirming my new employment, I didn't spend my days inside.
  • "You've lost weight!" Hm...perhaps five pounds, perhaps the all-black shirtwaist dress. I won't tell you which.
Don't get me wrong, I can be told how great I look all day long, but I just particularly enjoyed the tone of astonishment in people's voices. I suppose people do go off the deep end after being laid off - that's why I had to get a drug test.

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