Thursday, April 26, 2012

30 x 30 in 30 Update

I like the Huff Post article that is circulating around right now - on women turning 30 and the 30 things they should know/have by that time.  It is interesting - it is actually from a 1997 issue of Glamour - but it so resonates, it gets resurrected every few years by the latest crop of ladies marking three decades on earth. 

Makes sense - I penned by own 30 x30 (but in 30 days - see, that is the fun twist - my ideas aren't ubiquitous!) a few days before Huff Po made it cool.  So what does it mean?  It means that even if we don't want it to be, or don't think it is, 30 is a big birthday.  Most certainly by society's timeline (at least for women - I think we somehow sprout a "sell-by" date on our foreheads visible to men 50 years old and younger), but for a lot of us, personally as well. 

I guess it's a standard milestone that has been popular to mark with lists of what we have done, or sometimes more sadly, what we have yet to do. I don't know about you, but that feels like a lot of pressure.  It's one thing to have your own list, but to have a standard set by someone else?  I know I don't meet all or perhaps even most of Glamour's 1997 checklist. Wait, just kidding.  I did buy myself a great umbrella.

So for that, I'll focus on my own.

How am I doing? Well, I have started Pride and Prejudice, I got a domain for my professional blog (just haven't written in it yet), I am going to yoga sculpt on Saturday and I am waiting for the weather to turn so I can drink fabulous drinks in open air.

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