Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reunited and It Feels So Good...

That's the song Career Builder and I have been singing these days. Similar duets ensue with Monster, Hot Jobs and Indeed. And see? This is that roller coaster again. Back hot-n-heavy with the job searching and it's all a lovefest, until the "Thanks, but no thanks" e-mails start rolling in or, perhaps worse, but inbox starts spouting cricket noises.

Having a new focus is refreshing. Also refreshing, in a cold glass of water to the face during a Chicago January type of way, is trying to make things right with the sorority girls I am volunteering with. Fickle is the college student. I really want to help them, but I get something in place, then they tell me they don't like it. I try and fix it and they don't like that either. It's excellent practice working with people again, since I have few conflicts with myself in my new role of blogger, job-hunter and former GMAT-studier, other than:

"Change your cover letter."
"No, you'll do it later."
"No, Melissa Now needs to do it."
"Nah, Melissa Later can change it."

It gets intense here some days. Speaking of intense, I really love the sitcom "The Game." The target audience is clearly African American, (I used to watch it on the UPN/CW and now catch reruns on BET during my lunch break), but wow, it's good. Kelsey Grahmer (Frasier!) produces the show. MMMkay...aren't you happy I shared that with you?

Okay, time to apply to a communication role with a dental equipment company.

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