Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This morning I had my first interview (qualifier: phone interview) that I setup myself - no introductions, no networking, just me working the job boards. It felt nice. Accomplished, even. Now, please understand - I totally get that networking is the way to move in this economy. I get it, I embrace it, and Lord knows I am humbled when people network on my behalf, but there is something satisfying about knowing my resume was good enough to attract attention without an introduction. Well, I did write a pretty dynamite cover letter, but that was just me introducing me.

I felt the phone interview went well. But, I am stopping there because ALO, I have felt many interviews went well, and WELL, gee, I am still writing this blog. About being laid off. Unemployed. On the dole. Feel me? Good. Moving on.

I think something unemployed people love is feeling busy. Like, outside of looking for work busy. Paltry projects become like porn (forgive me that one, the alliteration was too much fun). My big project this week: Moving! Well, first the project is cleaning, because the place is pretty dirty. Unvacuumed carpet dirty. Old tenant's shower curtain dirty. I wiped down a wall and the cloth was black dirty.

But, the process of cleaning, then moving, and then finally settling in all feel so good. I look forward to these projects that are at best banal and at worst grueling manual labor. Why? It's an honest busy that doesn't involve sitting in front of the computer for hours on end, trying first to find open positions then second, to write a snappy yet respectful cover letter, then third, to re-type my resume into employers' specific seven-screen forms. Then wishin' and hopin' and plannin' etc. etc.

So, do I want a new job? Yes. Do I want a spotless apartment? Yes. Do I know which is going to get more effort this week? You betcha.

It's healthy. It shows results.

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