Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time to Two-Step

Fits & spurts, ebbs & flows, hots & colds...step right up for a roller coaster ride in the unemployment wonderland. Luckily for me, I am currently on the climb. Networking interview tomorrow (after writing this I need to do some candid self-exploration on strengths and weaknesses), real interview on Thursday and a new opportunity on the horizon courtesy of a colleague from many moons ago (thanks, Danielle!). Oh, and DePaul's part-time MBA program application is due July 1. I'd best jump on that.

So, dear friends (or, as Dear Abby might say "gentle readers,") I am actually quite busy. A real busy - like unpacking an apartment, cleaning, organizing, networking, interviewing, writing, applying, etc. It feels good.

The interviews can't come soon enough because what expired just yesterday? Oh, that would be my severance. Yep, I am officially riding the tide of unemployment funds and savings accounts. Yikes. Time for frugality at its finest. If only I didn't love eating out, getting drinks, and you know, that kinda stuff. Perhaps this will be good not only for my wallet but my waistline (ha, what a cliche - I laughed when I typed that).

So, in conclusion to this rambling blog, let's hope for the best with these pending opportunities toast to an exercise (hmm, okay, more reality than exercise) in spending restraint, and aim for a quick application process. Good day.

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