Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dear Admissions Officer...

I am writing to inform you that I very much want to attend your graduate school. Why, you ask? Well, there are many reasons. To start, I think I can get into your school. Or alternatively, I am not sure I can, but will try and win you over with wit and charm.

I have had a passion for all things your university for the as long as I have seriously considered getting ready to maybe apply to grad schools - about six months in real time. What further appeals to me about your program is that it is located in Chicago, where I live, and is reachable via the "L."

Your XYZ program is widely respected nationally, and if not nationally, then definitely maybe regionally and definitely for sure locally. I think you will teach me what I need to know to further my personal and professional development. Well, certainly professional, and I believe personal development will come from learning to balance your rigorous academic schedule with the demands of my job. Of course, this leads me to another reason I want to attend - you offer a part-time program, demonstrating your concern and regard for the lives of students.

Further demonstrating your committment to students attendign the XYZ college, you offer an abundance of financial aide and scholarship options. All of the fiscal help options sound simple enough to apply for, and only require me committing my first-born child to your endentured service. Such a gift! Moreover, you are competitively priced with other Chicago instutions making you just as unaffordable, not more so, than comparable programs.

Finally, I want you to know that I have much to offer the XYZ program: a sardonic wit, an appreciation for those smarter than me, and a belief that what it meant to be will be. Oh, yes, also - I am willing to say whatever I must in order to gain acceptance to your program. However, once I am enrolled, you will see underneath me a fire so bright it requires a space suit.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Facetiously yours,

Melissa A. Richgels

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