Friday, June 5, 2009

Seriously? Seriously.

Here's a dip in the incline I previously reported (roller coasters can't just go up); I figured it was approaching. Remember that phone interview I had that went so well they called me for an two-hour, four-person interview? Well, the company called on Wednesday saying two of the people whom I was supposed to interview with had been called into a mandatory meeting. They wanted me to reschedule for Friday (today) or Monday. Naturally, I said "Sure, great no problem, just let me know."

Well, after calling (and leaving a polite, upbeat, mildly witty message) yesterday to confirm the interview wasn't in fact, today (um, you know, need to prepare, get some sleep, plan my outfit, wax my moustache, etc. - last one was a joke, kids), I didn't hear back. Thus, I assumed it must be Monday or another day next week. Until, I get a call today telling me they have filled the position. What?!?

Apparently, though they were "wowed" by me on the phone, they hired an internal applicant. However, they don't want to close the door on future opportunities with this company. But wait, I said, I was scheduled for yesterday, are you sure you don't want to meet? Nope, apparently "this" happens sometimes in job searches. I guess "this" is scheduling someone for an interview, then canceling, saying you'll reschedule, then not, then offering the position to an internal candidate. Mmmkay, that's fine, but next time, if you have a promising internal candidate, don't extend interview appointments only to cancel them! Poor form, I say, poor form.

Of course, as to not burn bridges, I told the woman on the phone how much I respect recruitment from within (and I earnestly do, just don't tease me with interviews, jackass) and how I hope something in the future would arise. Grrrrr. I was really excited about this one, it felt like a sincere match. Yes, yes, I know. The cardinal rule? Each step is just to get you to the next one. Keep your hopes weighed down with a wet wool blanket. I blame the sun. It dried my blanket and made it cuddly soft.

And then (here comes the "seriously?" part), about two hours later, I get a call from my old company. They have a 20-month communications assignment they want to talk to me about. It's with a very involved, very specific project, not part of my old group. Thanks for passing my name along, Jon. But, they are looking at another internal candidate, so woe be the day I start my dreaming again. Meeting with them on Monday. Should be interesting. Seriously? Seriously.

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