Wednesday, June 3, 2009

56 Degrees on June 3 Aside...

...It's a pretty gosh darn good day. I am typing in a sweatshirt with a blanket around my legs, but aside from the chill, things are dy-no-mite. I had a FANTASTIC informational interview today with a woman who gave me great perspective and advice, then passed my resume on to a few of her colleagues saying:
"I met with a woman today...who really struck me as a good content, presence and cultural fit for you. Melissa comes separately and highly recommended to me from [a couple of people from my old company]. She was wonderful to talk to and while we don’t have anything that is a fit for her internal comm. background, I genuinely believe she’d be fantastic for you."

Um, holla! And for those of you keeping score at home, yes, this is the same networking meeting that nearly sent me into a panic a few weeks back. Why? Oh jeez...I do it to myself, kids. And then, after the interview, I started my grad school applications, and then I rehabbed a resume for another job lead, and then...well, then I dealt with overwhelming asinine sorority drama where two sides are pitted against each other with competing and contrasting stories and really no one knows which way is up!

So, for the moment, the roller coaster continues the assent. It's a good thing too, because uh, I'm really ready to work again.

My interview that was supposed to be for yesterday was rescheduled, but I figure it just gives me more time to prep. And work on grad school essays. Northwestern requires three. Jerks. Just kidding. If there is such a thing as "stretch" schools in the graduate world, NU is mine. And, no, I'm not delusionally applying to Kellogg; I'll leave that to the masochists out there. I'm throwing my hat in the ring for Medill's Integrated Marketing Communications program. I'll save my MBA apps for elsewhere.

In the key of living frugally, the song we are singing tonight is: dollar burgers at McGee's and second-run films at the Brew & View. Gotta love this city.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this isn't spam. I promise.

    I'm one of several people hosting an event in Chicago for laid off people. It's called "LaidOffCamp" (more info @

    The event is Wednesday, June 10th from 1-5pm, drinks to follow. Please check out our site or email me w/ questions -
