Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Surreal Cliches

"When it rains it pours." Damn straight it does. The week I received a job offer from my old company the following happened:
  • A wonderful new contact shared that he was impressed with me and could easily arrange for me to get into Northwestern's IMC program.
  • I had a call for a real interview.
  • I had a call for a phone interview.
  • I had a second call for a phone interview with a company that had previously rejected me, saying there had been a mistake.
Well, even given all of that, I decided to accept the new role with my old company. It's completely separate from what I did prior - a fresh, big challenge that uses my communications skills and will lend me more of the change readiness type. It's good.

Lots of things going through my head - will process, cynicize and spew for all of you later. Still kinda reeling (in the best way possible).

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