Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Check One: Yes, No, Maybe

I feel like a fifth-grade girl who passed a note to a boy saying: "Do you like me? Check one: Yes, No, Maybe." In this case, the boy checked "Maybe" and said he'd get back to me early next week. Only that next week is this week and that boy is my old company.

Let's just say that I jump every time the phone rings and check my e-mail with apprehensive dread every fifteen minutes. See, I figure the "Yes" will come via phone and the "No" by e-mail. Something tells me this boy isn't much for confrontation. Maybe he'll even make one of his friends tell me "No." Wouldn't that just be neat? Not so much.

I have some other dates pending if you will, but I guess since I am courting my "ex-boyfriend," so to speak, the fear of being turned down is exacerbated. I mean really, who opens themselves up to being dumped twice? Me, I guess.

Old Company: Hey, you're lookin' fine. Maybe I want you back, but I don't know. Can you come in and talk to me first?
Me: Oh, yes, you handsome, handsome man with your evil commute. I want you to want me!

I know, I know. It's not like that at all in terms of business and opportunity. I would never turn down a great interview for a good company, no matter our history. But, when you flick on the emotional end, the dating game makes a lovely analogy. And see? See what I have done? A week has passed since my interview and I allowed myself to think maybe, just maybe this would work out. Remember when I said I was sure I wouldn't get the position? Yea, I need to go back to that school of thinking, like, now.

In other, better, news, I have phone screen today and an informational interview tomorrow. I got a large chunk of my grad school applications completed yesterday and am rolling on through.

Now, if only my phone wouldn't keep pretending to light up out of the corner of my eye...

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