Monday, June 8, 2009

Oversharing? That's the Name of This Game

So, I joined Twitter. As Lady Laid Off. I figured I could tweet about unemployment along with whatever else happened to strike me at the moment. There are so many rich ironies in life and mild moments of amusement, I think I'd like to add those to my writing arsenal.

This brings me to wonder: am I over sharing in a public domain? I am known among friends and confidants as one who tends to just give a tad too much information, particularly when relaying stories from the old days in pest control (have you ever seen a rat gnaw its leg free from a glue board? Probably not). Now, for whomever wants to read the highs and lows of my unemployment trek, I blog. And, adding fuel to the fire, I will share the minutia of my life through Twitter. By Tweeting. Talk about something to be overheard on the street: "Hey man, did you read my tweet? It was sweet!" What is the past tense of Tweet? I would think Twat, but that is actually horrific slang for...oh geez. That is probably more of a Twitter booty call? I'll stop there.

Written pontification aside, I will be Tweeting. Follow me.

I had an interview at my old company yesterday, for a specific project team. It went well, so naturally, I am certain I won't get it. There is an internal candidate also up for the position, and although they probably don't have the same communications skills requisite for the job, their current position is being eliminated soon, and with politics at play, I imagine that transition will be easier for the company. As much as I have consciously shut out the possibility of receiving an offer, (serious self-preservation mode here) my subconscious seems to relish the idea. I dreamed about it all last night, so much so I woke up thinking I had the job. Bastard dreams.

In any case, plan B is in full swing. Grad school apps due July 1.

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