Thursday, March 19, 2009

Timing is Everything...and Nothing

You know, I started writing this post about the fact that I didn't work as hard as I could to find a new job this week, and how I felt guilty for it. But, you know what? That's kinda boring. So here are some things I am enjoying (enjoying?!?!) yes, enjoying, about being unemployed (and I only feel mildly guilty for them).

1. Sleeping until 8:30. Wow. I have always been a sleep slut, but this is just heavenly.

2. Reconnecting with people I lost touch with (foolishly, mostly).

3. Doing all those things I was too busy for, like going to the dentist and getting my oil changed (still working on the oil bit).

4. Feeling much less guilty not buying Streetwise or ignoring beggars on the street (hey! I'm unemployed!)

5. Being able to enjoy days outside.

6. Wearing lounge clothes all day long... (Tom says unemployed people love wearing ratty clothes).

On the flip side, I have reoccurring dreams about homeless people and serious anxiety about being unemployed, but let's touch on those un-fun topics next time, shall we? I think the lay-off emotional cycle has lots of peaks and valleys. I'll take this peak.

Heading to NYC this weekend, very excited about the change of scenery. When I come back, the re-vamped, re-amped job search continues. Because, let's face it, when push comes to shove, I'm just kind of a working-type girl.

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