Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Who ARE Those People?

A few weeks ago (before lay off , or BLO), I was working from home and my roommate Lauren came home from business travel around 3 p.m. The weather was pretty mild (a rare joy in Chicago's February) so we decided to go for a run. Along the lake, the jogging path was packed. Lauren and I wondered "Who are these people that can run in the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday?"

Well, after lay off (or ALO), now I know. Now you know. They are then unemployed. Some by choice (cute, stay-at-home moms in designer jogging gear) and some like me, laid off (in old sorority t-shirts and washed-out Old Navy yoga pants). Same thing at the grocery store - midday shoppers not in work attire? Unemployed. Cruising the sale rack at the Gap on a Thursday morning? Unemployed. Drinking Busch Light Wednesday at noon while perusing the Internet? Unemployed. Okay, okay, sometimes they work from home or are taking a personal day. And, like today at the Jewel, there were plenty of people reveling in St. Patrick's Day, (Happy Birthday, brother!)at the grocery to buy beer and whiskey. I'm sure some of them (likely the ones in their first year out of college) took the day off. Others, I am sure, are like me - laid off.

In other news, I had an informational/networking interview today. It went well. Oh, yes, and I realize what a great deal Subway's $5 foot longs are. You can either have lunch and dinner or two days' lunches for $5.53 including tax.

Final note: If you do want to drink Busch Light and peruse the Internet at noon on a Wednesday, here are some humorous places to go:
www.craigslist.com ---Casual encounters is always a riot
http://stuffunemployedpeoplelike.com/ --- Scary because it's true (thanks, Tom)
http://www.fmylife.com/ --- It could always be worse
http://www.overheardintheoffice.com/ --- We've all been there

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