Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trader Joe's or Bust

I think from here on out (or, after lay off [ALO] until new employment) I am only grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. Humus for $1.79? What a deal. I guess that would not help the sales of my former company (well-respected CPG), but hey, those guys are still making money. I am not.

Money is something that is top-of-mind lately. Though I am not poor yet (thanks for the severance!), in the back of my mind there is this pesky ticking clock that keeps track of how much longer I have an income. Pair that with tax season (praying for a refund) and IRA contribution time (how am I going to do that!?!) and I think about money much for than I like.

When I was first laid off, I set aside my hurt (yea, I'm a girl, and getting laid off was emotional - I cried, okay?), and replaced it with shiny, shiny optimism that an offer would be on the table in a month's time. Well, that month is shortly expiring and I have only been on first round interviews. Though I would like to think I am dazzling enough to procure an offer after a single meeting, I am still a realist.

Everyone has been so lovely - taking me out for meals or letting me not pick up a round of drinks - for that I am grateful, although a bit, hm, perhaps shy is the word? But, it's ridiculous to keep that up, so I am brainstorming ways to cut back. Thus, Trader Joe's. And, shopping at Treasure Island is worth a go because you can make a lunch out of the samples they have. Yep, me and smelly schitzo Sam make the rounds.

All sarcasm aside, I am blessed to have a great severance package, unemployment benefits and people around me who are kind and pick up the tab now and then. But, I'd much prefer to be making money; although ,if I resort to plan "b" (no, not that trendy bar in Bucktown or the morning after pill, you silly rascals) and go to grad school full time, I think I will have to get quite used to having a hole in the dyke so to speak.

And the good news: had an interview yesterday for a position in academia. I am optimistic I will see round two. I think it's an opportunity for some great new experiences. Also, had a networking interview today with a former agency partner, and continue to be blown away by how kind and helpful people can be.

That's it for now. Time to dig into some Trader Joe's yogurt (79 cents, people!) and hit the ol' GMAT book.

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