Monday, March 16, 2009

"You're Good at Being Unemployed!"

Apparently, I am good at being unemployed. I have had at least three people tell me that in the past couple days. It's always good to be good, right? Now, what they don't mean is that I am adept at lolling around watching Tool Academy reruns while spoon-feeding myself peanut butter - though the first couple days that is pretty much all I wanted to do.

I think the "good" they refer to is my aim to make something of my days. Know one person more than I knew the day prior; writing thank you notes to people who have helped me; even writ ting this blog. What I can say is that I'm not a big fan of this whole lay off situation so I am trying pretty hard to change it. Is it lame I have all of my new contacts in an excel spreadsheet? I don't know, you decide.

Interestingly enough, I keep seeing all of these things to be grateful for. For example, I have friend who had been through (and is still going through) this and showed me the way of the laid off (file for unemployment immediately!) and started Laid Off Camp (field trip this week to the Garfield Park Conservatory!). Thanks, Tom! And good pieces of advice are flooding in from every which way - sometimes overwhelming, but always appreciated. A really good reminder came from a family friend last week: Some of the people who you think will help you, won't be much help, but the people you don't know yet will. Thanks, Mr. King!

And let's not forget the simplest thing to be grateful for: it's just me. I have no mortgage, no children, no massive debt or any dependencies. I can be a pretty scrappy individual, so the fight is on.

And now...time for the GMAT homework I have been putting off. Because, even if I am good at being unemployed, I will never be good when it comes to math homework.


  1. Two feet on the ground and your face towards the sun, my friend. Your relentless perisstence will file you with the likes of the employed very soon, and this blog will see an untimely death. When life throws you to the sharks, do what my good friend Dory does and JUST KEEP SWIMMING! xoxo

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. LOVE the blog.
