Friday, March 13, 2009

Week One - "This Sucks"

I have never been the type to want, for any reason, to be unemployed. I have never had the bug to be a stay-at-home mom, nor marry a millionaire and be a lady who lunches - trust me, I know people who want that very badly. The irony - they are still employed, I am not.

Okay, okay, I know. Enough with the sob story. I decided to start this blog to document this unintentional journey I am taking. The rosy side, according to my high school history teaching friend Skyler: "Ten years from now when this is all over, you will tell your kids about this and say 'That was me! I was laid off!'" Which led me to a great idea for a t-shirt:

Front: I'm a statistic.
Back: Laid off in '09.

Anyway, as everyone knows, the first thing you do when you are laid off is file for unemployment. In Illinois, this can be done pretty easily online, at Here's a warning: DO NOT, for any reason, hit the "back" button on your browser. It ain't pretty. Here's another warning: it asks you if you want your taxes withheld from the unemployment money. Say yes. I did not, and will have some fun next April.

All things considered I guess I am ahead of the pack. Thanks to aggressive networking by my former bosses, I actually had an interview on Tuesday. I think it went pretty well - it's a solid opportunity and hope I get a call back from them. We shall see what next week delivers.

So, how am I occupying my time? Aside from job hunting, which I do for about six hours, I:

1. Run

2. Wii fit

3. IM with my other unemployed friends and various colleagues

4. Do GMAT homework (though not as much as I should)

5. Nap

6. Play mom to my roommates

For example, here is Lauren getting ready for a date:

She was late getting home from work so Elizabeth and I picked out clothes, laid them out on the bed, advised on shoes, etc. Lauren was in the door, two sips of wine down, fresh make-up and outfit, teeth brushed and back out for her date in fifteen minutes.
Then I made dinner for Elizabeth and John.
Yep. It's exciting.
Really, in all of this I just hang my hat on a few things:
I have wonderful friends, a great family, a supportive boyfriend and a good professional network. The only other thing I could ask for? A job.
I'll get there.

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