Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dear Admissions Officer...

I am writing to inform you that I very much want to attend your graduate school. Why, you ask? Well, there are many reasons. To start, I think I can get into your school. Or alternatively, I am not sure I can, but will try and win you over with wit and charm.

I have had a passion for all things your university for the as long as I have seriously considered getting ready to maybe apply to grad schools - about six months in real time. What further appeals to me about your program is that it is located in Chicago, where I live, and is reachable via the "L."

Your XYZ program is widely respected nationally, and if not nationally, then definitely maybe regionally and definitely for sure locally. I think you will teach me what I need to know to further my personal and professional development. Well, certainly professional, and I believe personal development will come from learning to balance your rigorous academic schedule with the demands of my job. Of course, this leads me to another reason I want to attend - you offer a part-time program, demonstrating your concern and regard for the lives of students.

Further demonstrating your committment to students attendign the XYZ college, you offer an abundance of financial aide and scholarship options. All of the fiscal help options sound simple enough to apply for, and only require me committing my first-born child to your endentured service. Such a gift! Moreover, you are competitively priced with other Chicago instutions making you just as unaffordable, not more so, than comparable programs.

Finally, I want you to know that I have much to offer the XYZ program: a sardonic wit, an appreciation for those smarter than me, and a belief that what it meant to be will be. Oh, yes, also - I am willing to say whatever I must in order to gain acceptance to your program. However, once I am enrolled, you will see underneath me a fire so bright it requires a space suit.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Facetiously yours,

Melissa A. Richgels

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Putting Yourself Out There

Summer finally decided to come to Chicago. Thanks, buddy. We missed you. As such, I was at the beach yesterday. More specifically, I was at the North Avenue beach bar, Castaways, where my friend Becky works, having a beer. Yes, I do mean A beer. My five-year college reunion last weekend may have caused irreparable internal damage, so we're taking it slow (it must have been the fact we stayed in the dorms...saying "no" to one more just didn't feel right). Anyway, at Castaways, where the people watching is more fun than the beer is warm, I looked over to one of the shirt-less, tattooed, shorn-chested gentlemen (term used loosely) sardined around me and see this:
The other side reads "Laid Off." I asked him where he got it, thinking it was from a job fair or some laid off congregation, but he said he got it from a Web site that just sells these bands. I was curious and wanted to ask him more about his laid off experience, but he was annoyed that I even talked to him as he was busy trying to make headway with the size four blond in a white bikini that didn't quite cover her butt, which was the same tan as her legs. That's all fine and dandy, but don't forget, buddy - your lack of income is encircling your wrist, and I doubt Sandy wants to buy her own electric lemonade. Hope you have a trust fund. Oh, wait, that was the guy taking to Carly...

Anyway, it really is amazing to see the stigma of being laid off slowly evaporate with every corporate cut, Wall Street analysis and Fed press release. If people are willing to spell it out, it almost seems en vogue. Which reminds me, I need to develop my laid off t-shirt line before I go back to work in a two weeks.

Two weeks. It still feels a bit surreal, but the date of my return to the ivory tower creeps closer and closer. It's time to do all those things I talked about when I was first laid off: "Well, I'm sad, but now I can organize my pictures, get my files in order and write that book I keep talking about ." Which reminds me, I should get cracking on that, eh? I think I'll postpone my non-fiction "The Second Adolescence" and write something more topical like "Laid Off? Me Too.Let's Crack a Bushe Light While Perusing Craigs List."

As for this blog, I enjoy it and keep having people come up to me and tell me they enjoy it, so I'll keep writing. No official new topic as of yet. Blogging about working again is probably not the best idea since it's rather a public link these days and I would hate to lose my newly acquired position do to an accidental slip of the keys. Plenty of time to find a topic. Now, I just need to find a publisher...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Surreal Cliches

"When it rains it pours." Damn straight it does. The week I received a job offer from my old company the following happened:
  • A wonderful new contact shared that he was impressed with me and could easily arrange for me to get into Northwestern's IMC program.
  • I had a call for a real interview.
  • I had a call for a phone interview.
  • I had a second call for a phone interview with a company that had previously rejected me, saying there had been a mistake.
Well, even given all of that, I decided to accept the new role with my old company. It's completely separate from what I did prior - a fresh, big challenge that uses my communications skills and will lend me more of the change readiness type. It's good.

Lots of things going through my head - will process, cynicize and spew for all of you later. Still kinda reeling (in the best way possible).

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Drumroll, Please!

The ex-boyfriend asked me back. I got an offer from my old company today. Relief/joy/happiness/accomplishment/ahhhhhhh explosion!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Check One: Yes, No, Maybe

I feel like a fifth-grade girl who passed a note to a boy saying: "Do you like me? Check one: Yes, No, Maybe." In this case, the boy checked "Maybe" and said he'd get back to me early next week. Only that next week is this week and that boy is my old company.

Let's just say that I jump every time the phone rings and check my e-mail with apprehensive dread every fifteen minutes. See, I figure the "Yes" will come via phone and the "No" by e-mail. Something tells me this boy isn't much for confrontation. Maybe he'll even make one of his friends tell me "No." Wouldn't that just be neat? Not so much.

I have some other dates pending if you will, but I guess since I am courting my "ex-boyfriend," so to speak, the fear of being turned down is exacerbated. I mean really, who opens themselves up to being dumped twice? Me, I guess.

Old Company: Hey, you're lookin' fine. Maybe I want you back, but I don't know. Can you come in and talk to me first?
Me: Oh, yes, you handsome, handsome man with your evil commute. I want you to want me!

I know, I know. It's not like that at all in terms of business and opportunity. I would never turn down a great interview for a good company, no matter our history. But, when you flick on the emotional end, the dating game makes a lovely analogy. And see? See what I have done? A week has passed since my interview and I allowed myself to think maybe, just maybe this would work out. Remember when I said I was sure I wouldn't get the position? Yea, I need to go back to that school of thinking, like, now.

In other, better, news, I have phone screen today and an informational interview tomorrow. I got a large chunk of my grad school applications completed yesterday and am rolling on through.

Now, if only my phone wouldn't keep pretending to light up out of the corner of my eye...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Oversharing? That's the Name of This Game

So, I joined Twitter. As Lady Laid Off. I figured I could tweet about unemployment along with whatever else happened to strike me at the moment. There are so many rich ironies in life and mild moments of amusement, I think I'd like to add those to my writing arsenal.

This brings me to wonder: am I over sharing in a public domain? I am known among friends and confidants as one who tends to just give a tad too much information, particularly when relaying stories from the old days in pest control (have you ever seen a rat gnaw its leg free from a glue board? Probably not). Now, for whomever wants to read the highs and lows of my unemployment trek, I blog. And, adding fuel to the fire, I will share the minutia of my life through Twitter. By Tweeting. Talk about something to be overheard on the street: "Hey man, did you read my tweet? It was sweet!" What is the past tense of Tweet? I would think Twat, but that is actually horrific slang for...oh geez. That is probably more of a Twitter booty call? I'll stop there.

Written pontification aside, I will be Tweeting. Follow me.

I had an interview at my old company yesterday, for a specific project team. It went well, so naturally, I am certain I won't get it. There is an internal candidate also up for the position, and although they probably don't have the same communications skills requisite for the job, their current position is being eliminated soon, and with politics at play, I imagine that transition will be easier for the company. As much as I have consciously shut out the possibility of receiving an offer, (serious self-preservation mode here) my subconscious seems to relish the idea. I dreamed about it all last night, so much so I woke up thinking I had the job. Bastard dreams.

In any case, plan B is in full swing. Grad school apps due July 1.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Seriously? Seriously.

Here's a dip in the incline I previously reported (roller coasters can't just go up); I figured it was approaching. Remember that phone interview I had that went so well they called me for an two-hour, four-person interview? Well, the company called on Wednesday saying two of the people whom I was supposed to interview with had been called into a mandatory meeting. They wanted me to reschedule for Friday (today) or Monday. Naturally, I said "Sure, great no problem, just let me know."

Well, after calling (and leaving a polite, upbeat, mildly witty message) yesterday to confirm the interview wasn't in fact, today (um, you know, need to prepare, get some sleep, plan my outfit, wax my moustache, etc. - last one was a joke, kids), I didn't hear back. Thus, I assumed it must be Monday or another day next week. Until, I get a call today telling me they have filled the position. What?!?

Apparently, though they were "wowed" by me on the phone, they hired an internal applicant. However, they don't want to close the door on future opportunities with this company. But wait, I said, I was scheduled for yesterday, are you sure you don't want to meet? Nope, apparently "this" happens sometimes in job searches. I guess "this" is scheduling someone for an interview, then canceling, saying you'll reschedule, then not, then offering the position to an internal candidate. Mmmkay, that's fine, but next time, if you have a promising internal candidate, don't extend interview appointments only to cancel them! Poor form, I say, poor form.

Of course, as to not burn bridges, I told the woman on the phone how much I respect recruitment from within (and I earnestly do, just don't tease me with interviews, jackass) and how I hope something in the future would arise. Grrrrr. I was really excited about this one, it felt like a sincere match. Yes, yes, I know. The cardinal rule? Each step is just to get you to the next one. Keep your hopes weighed down with a wet wool blanket. I blame the sun. It dried my blanket and made it cuddly soft.

And then (here comes the "seriously?" part), about two hours later, I get a call from my old company. They have a 20-month communications assignment they want to talk to me about. It's with a very involved, very specific project, not part of my old group. Thanks for passing my name along, Jon. But, they are looking at another internal candidate, so woe be the day I start my dreaming again. Meeting with them on Monday. Should be interesting. Seriously? Seriously.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

56 Degrees on June 3 Aside...

...It's a pretty gosh darn good day. I am typing in a sweatshirt with a blanket around my legs, but aside from the chill, things are dy-no-mite. I had a FANTASTIC informational interview today with a woman who gave me great perspective and advice, then passed my resume on to a few of her colleagues saying:
"I met with a woman today...who really struck me as a good content, presence and cultural fit for you. Melissa comes separately and highly recommended to me from [a couple of people from my old company]. She was wonderful to talk to and while we don’t have anything that is a fit for her internal comm. background, I genuinely believe she’d be fantastic for you."

Um, holla! And for those of you keeping score at home, yes, this is the same networking meeting that nearly sent me into a panic a few weeks back. Why? Oh jeez...I do it to myself, kids. And then, after the interview, I started my grad school applications, and then I rehabbed a resume for another job lead, and then...well, then I dealt with overwhelming asinine sorority drama where two sides are pitted against each other with competing and contrasting stories and really no one knows which way is up!

So, for the moment, the roller coaster continues the assent. It's a good thing too, because uh, I'm really ready to work again.

My interview that was supposed to be for yesterday was rescheduled, but I figure it just gives me more time to prep. And work on grad school essays. Northwestern requires three. Jerks. Just kidding. If there is such a thing as "stretch" schools in the graduate world, NU is mine. And, no, I'm not delusionally applying to Kellogg; I'll leave that to the masochists out there. I'm throwing my hat in the ring for Medill's Integrated Marketing Communications program. I'll save my MBA apps for elsewhere.

In the key of living frugally, the song we are singing tonight is: dollar burgers at McGee's and second-run films at the Brew & View. Gotta love this city.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time to Two-Step

Fits & spurts, ebbs & flows, hots & colds...step right up for a roller coaster ride in the unemployment wonderland. Luckily for me, I am currently on the climb. Networking interview tomorrow (after writing this I need to do some candid self-exploration on strengths and weaknesses), real interview on Thursday and a new opportunity on the horizon courtesy of a colleague from many moons ago (thanks, Danielle!). Oh, and DePaul's part-time MBA program application is due July 1. I'd best jump on that.

So, dear friends (or, as Dear Abby might say "gentle readers,") I am actually quite busy. A real busy - like unpacking an apartment, cleaning, organizing, networking, interviewing, writing, applying, etc. It feels good.

The interviews can't come soon enough because what expired just yesterday? Oh, that would be my severance. Yep, I am officially riding the tide of unemployment funds and savings accounts. Yikes. Time for frugality at its finest. If only I didn't love eating out, getting drinks, and you know, that kinda stuff. Perhaps this will be good not only for my wallet but my waistline (ha, what a cliche - I laughed when I typed that).

So, in conclusion to this rambling blog, let's hope for the best with these pending opportunities toast to an exercise (hmm, okay, more reality than exercise) in spending restraint, and aim for a quick application process. Good day.