Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Every Girl Wants to be Light, Right?

Light. Doesn't that just conjure up positive images in your head? Judy Garland tells us to enjoy Christmas with "...let your heart be light." Remember that good ol' sleepover game, light as a feather, stiff as a board? Technology is always working on the newest light-weight fabrics and materials. Dancers aim to be "light on their feet." Buying a light snack gives you all the taste with half the fat. Um, let's not forget Natural Light. Miller Lite. (I know, I know. There she goes, talking about beer again.)

In the tween and teen years, I remember wanting so badly to be light in weight so I could fly in cheerleading and have boys lift me up with ease during high school flirtations. Truth be told, I guess I still want to be light in weight, but not so I can be thrown in the air by adolescents, more for the vanity of it.

But, as I discovered today, light is also a nice HR term for under qualified. I had a great conversation with a recruiter for a CPG company, and he was kind enough to tell me at the end of it, that I was "light for this position." Sad face.

Silver lining: I have a new contact, and he said I would be a fantastic candidate for something a couple of levels down. But still, this is one light I would rather not be.

Time to get hot 'n' heavy with my GMAT book.

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