Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Nightmares Have Begun

I woke up this morning, sweaty and frantic. I had been dreaming all night; most of the dreams were of the standard variety, mildly bazaar, slightly amusing, completely forgettable. The last one I had was the sweat-inducing, panic-striking kind.

I was sitting in an open space, taking the GMAT, but as people finished the test long before I did, they didn't leave the room. They began to talk, laugh, throw things at each other all while I was still struggling through some data sufficiency nightmares. I kept "shush-ing" everyone to no avail, as the clock in the upper-left corner of my computer screen kept winding down. As the noise grew and the seconds dwindled, pure panic set in. I finally stood up and asked everyone to please, please be quiet, at which point they turned, hushed up, then began uproariously laughing at me.

Oi. I am taking a practice test today, another on Friday, then probably a final one on Monday. GMAT is Wednesday. It's a scary, scary thing.

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