Monday, April 20, 2009

You Can Never Go Home Again

I think at some point, ALO, all people who have been let go as part of a "mass termination" or "headcount reduction" or "multiple-people-kicked-to-the-curb-at-lightening-speed-with-ninja-like-precision" just want to go back to their company. If not the company that laid them off, certainly the last great company they worked for.

Right now, that is how I feel. I just want to say "Okay, that was a fun trial separation, but let's get back together now." I want to walk up to my desk, sit down, and start working, as if nothing happened. Being a mildly blunt and slightly unapologetic person, I actually tell my former managers this. You see, I am fortunate, because I regularly speak with them for counsel and direction; not everyone gets that. They are kind and helpful in all the ways they can be, but, of course, they can't take me back.

Cue music: "HERE I GO, AGAIN ON MY OWN! GOIN' DOWN THE ONLY ROAD I'VE EVER KNOWN!" I picture myself rocking out like Will Ferrel in Old School as he fixes up his not-quite-street-legal car. But of course, I am quite far from being alone and quite lucky in life. So, as I often must do, the Monday morning woe-is-me party gets cut

In happier news, I found an uber-awesome apartment in the exact location Iwanted, under budget. See layout below. As a bonus, apparently it's not a huge issue that I have no job. Score one for me.

I close with some great words from my layoff mentor, Tom, who is currently backpacking through Europe before he heads to Notre Dame for his MBA (it's all [sic]): so i am laid off in the recession? going to grad school, and bqckpacking europe first. guess what street im staying on? rue de cliche