Friday, April 24, 2009

Shoot For the Moon and Get Pummled to Rubble By Space Garbage

So my brother and I are enjoying the gorgeous weather in Chicago by sitting outside, having a frosty Busch Light (Yep. Drinking AGAIN), and pondering life's mysteries. Or, more specifically, life's cliches.

Here it is: "Shoot for the moon, because if you miss, you'll land among the stars." Well, that's just not factually accurate. If you miss the moon, you will land amid space junk, comets, particle debris and possibly the asteroid belt around Mars. Ouch. Doesn't sound so fun now, does it?

Our suggestion, if you care to heed it, is to shoot for the next galaxy over. There, you are pretty much guaranteed to land among stars, and potentially earth-like planets where you can start a new life. But really, if you land among the stars, you will likely be incinerated within milliseconds, so perhaps we should stay grounded, no?

Not to say we're not dreamers! No, no. P wants to be a rock star and I an author, but hey, we fit in the special category of "scientifically realistic dreamers." So, all you rocket men out there, go to town, Coops, just know the risks.
And now, because this blog is all about the bright side, see Baz Lurhman's "The Sunscreen Song" and hug someone.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, if you want to be really picky about it, if you shoot for the moon and miss, you'll probably just drift through the cold and silent void of space until you die of oxygen deprivation, hypothermia, dehydration, starvation, catastrophic depressurization, acute sunburn, collision trauma, being compacted in a black hole or alien medical experiment gone horribly awry.

