Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bears Trade Orton for Cutler, Richgels Trades Snacks for Naps

Just found out the Bears have traded Kyle Orton (neck beard) and lots of draft picks for Jay Cutler. I am happy, even though I love Kyle Orton because:

  • Now we have an actual quarterback

  • We don't use our draft picks wisely anyhow

  • The white Orton jersey I have been craving will be on sale in a manner of minutes

Today was not a good one for this laid off lady. Heard back from suburban company that they are looking for someone with more experience, though they did really like me. Fair enough. I'm not going to dwell on the overall negative day I've had, because that just propagates those feelings.

Great reminder from my father: "Seriously, Lis, you can't go into every interview expecting an offer. You'll kill yourself that way. Go in thinking you are getting interview experience and making new contacts." Good words, hard to do. And then he said: "Go for a run or something. And for God's sake, don't go drinking." Uh-oh, Bill suspects of my fondness of day drinking. But I had already gone for a run and ruled out the booze, so score one for me.

Well, thankfully some darling sent me lovely images of puppies to cheer me up (thanks, I woof you!) so that is how we shall conclude today. Happy, positive thoughts, cute, fluffy puppies. I will run with the big dogs again!

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