Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Unemployment and the Cognitive Process

Okay, kids, it's Reformation time! Not a Martin Luther nailing a petition on the Catholic church's door type of reformation, but more of a cognitive expectation one. It's time to let go of the dream. What dream is that, you ask? The dream of being gainfully employed by the time my severance runs out. See, I had sugarplum fairy-like fantasies of a month of double income dancing in my head. The gorgeous notions of not having to COBRA or e-health insurance filled my heart with joy and hope.

Well, as it ever does, reality kindly brings me back down to earth. Thanks, gravitational pull. Optimism is great, a positive attitude is a must, but a healthy dose of realism will save your sanity. So, I am cognitively restructuring my expectations. It's looking like I will be unemployed for at least six months, not the two or three I hoped.

It's hard not to get your hopes up when you find a job description that seems like it is made up of your best-fitting denim, like you can slide on in for a perfect fit and look great doing it. But now, there is a strict linear order: The goal of an application is an interview. The goal of an interview is a second. The goal of the second interview is a third. The goal of the third is an offer. If you receive no offer, the goal is to appreciate the consolation prize of experience.

All that said, I have a phone interview with a great CPG company tomorrow. I am doing pretty well at assuming the worst and hoping for the best, but the sugarplums keep dancing on in...

p.s. Blogger has an excellent spell checker, which Lord knows, I need.

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