Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Laid Off Camp and Where I Go From Here

The genius that is my unemployment mentor, Tom said: "Give me your poor, your tired, your hopeless, your... unemployed and I will take them to Jerry Springer!" Yep, that's right kids. Laid Off Camp #1, a trip to Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! You may be wondering: how can unemployed hacks afford such fabulous entertainment? Well, I answer you: it's free. All it costs is a few moments of your time to call for tickets, and in Tom's case, an uncomfortable phone call in front of his future Notre Dame grad student cronies confirming his attendance to what? The Jerry Springer show. Thanks, Tom! I am sure the Domers understand. I met new unemployed friends, Sean and Pete, and off we went. (Tom is holding his State of IL Unemployment Security form).

I highly recommend unemployed people in Chicago to to Jerry Springer. It allows you to think: "Wow, I might have been laid off, but at least my twin sister didn't sleep with my boyfriend and then bash me over the head with the flowers he brought her." Actually, it's so clearly fake that you really end up looking around the crowd thinking: "I may be unemployed, but at least I am not showing my breasts on national television for plastic beads." No, I am not kidding. We saw boobs. Lots and lots of them.

Next week's Laid Off Camp? The Chicago Historical Museum; we think it's free on Mondays. Know someone who wants to join in the laid off fun? E-mail me. Thank Tom.

In my personal ALO journey, another disappointment. The University I interviewed with doesn't want to see me again. It kinda feels like dating. Except dating that would pay you money and provide you with career fulfillment. Ah well. They just weren't that into me.

I have, however found a great way to give of myself while actively contributing to society. It's for an organization I believe in, too. More on that later.

I continue to focus on the prepping for the GMAT but am also at setting up my passive job search avenues (hello, IABC job site). After May 7, watch out jobs, I am on the aggressive hunt, roaring like a tiger with a thorn in its paw.

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