Thursday, April 30, 2009

Necessity/Desire Breeds Invention/Oddities

Walking to the gym today I became quite smitten with the flowerbeds along the way. Walking home, I began to think I really wanted some fresh flowers for my apartment, to kind of "spring up" the place amidst 20 days of overcast skies (yes, I get that rain is springy too - it's just not fun).

As I contemplate purchasing tulips, I realized that spending $10 on perishable flowers really isn't a prudent expense for the laid off. I thought about taking a few daffodils or lillys along the way, but that's just not neighborly and looks mighty suspicious (flower? what flower?). Then, I spotted an overgrowth of weeds along a rental property and genius (desperation?) struck. Dandelions.

I began plucking those suckers up, ignoring the odd looks of passersby, feeling a little retro and inventive. As I moved on, I spotted a violet patch, and ta-da! A bouquet (Rolling Meadows Mustang colors, none the less). So, now, I have fresh flowers in my apartment and spent no money, just a bit of pride as I endured school boys then CTA workers asking if the flowers were for them.

Lady Laid Off: Saving money and flower beds, one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Tulips aren't perishable, if you care for them right they're perennials.

    Also, I've been wanting to put plants on my balcony but I travel to much to take care of them. If you guys split the labor, you can spring up your apartment with the flowers.
