Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Things, Happy Friday

So, enough with the mumbly grumbly. It's been a tough week, but I am tired of feeling blue, disappointed, apathetic, etc. So, here's a list of things I am grateful for:

  • Beer thirty (pictured above - if you read my last post, you will note that my father doesn't appreciate this)
  • My roomie giving me a coupon for a free frozen entree (she was going to use it but decided I needed it more)
  • Getting an unsolicited phone interview request from a famous CPG company (it might be in NY state, but hey, it's a step in the right direction)
  • Reconnecting with far-away family members
  • Getting to meet the little brother's new girlfriend (I am sure she will think I am quite classy with my Busch light)
  • Having my horror story featured on a dating Web site (um, if you want the link, e-mail me or post a comment - otherwise I will spare my mother from "accidentally" clicking it)
  • Having the BF work from home
  • Great friends who check up on you after a crappy day (thanks, ladies - I would be LOST without you)
  • Puppies! My own, and I get to see them in a few days
It sucks to be unemployed, but when you've got peeps like I do, the blows are much softer.

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