Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lies, I Tell You! All Lies!

Yesterday I lied about being unemployed. It was a first, and it felt really awkward. Granted, it was to someone at the gym, whom I believed was trying to sell me personal training while I was on a machine, but none the less, it felt cheap. I was simply trying to get her to go away so I could huff and sweat in peace, but she kept asking questions.

It started out simply enough:
Trainer: Hi, my name is Pam! [sticks out hand to shake]
Me: [On the saddle-bag-busting cardio machine] Uh, hi. Melissa. [shakes hand]
Trainer: Have you heard of a a personal fitness evaluation?
Me: Yes, I actually have used a personal trainer before.
Trainer: Oh, who is it?
Me: It's someone at your Downers Grove location.
Trainer: Oh, wow, why you you go out there?
Me: I work out there.
Trainer: Wow, that's far.
Me: Yep.
Trainer: So, what do you do?
Me: Um, for my workouts?
Trainer: [Laughing] No, no, for your job.
Me: [Annoyance and panic setting in] Communications.
Trainer: What kind? Where?
Me: Internal, corporate stuff for XXXXX.
Trainer: That sounds cool.
Me: Yep.
Trainer: So why are you here?
Me: They let me work from home.
Trainer: Okay, well if you ever want a trainer here, or have any questions, let me know!
Me: Thanks, I will.

Do you see how the lies just snowballed? Inconsequential? Yes. However, it defeated my "I am unemployed, not happy about it, but honest and open about it" attitude. Why Pam, why? Why must you ask questions when all I want to do is get my mid-day sweat going?

In other news, the best sketch comedy show of all time, MTV's briefly running "The State" is releasing a DVD set with every episode ever aired plus 90 minutes of bonus footage. Om nom nom. I can't put into words my passion for this comedic genius, so please see below:

1 comment:

  1. How flippin' cool is this!?!? The State... FINALLY! I started buying a few episodes on iTunes last year, but then I figured it wouldn't be too long before it was available on DVD. And now, the wait is almost over. Love. This. Show! My friend Shayna even had two dogs named Barry and Levon! Awwwww yeah...

    The comments on the bottom of the page are interesting about the music in the skits being redubbed. I heard they did the same thing on the In Living Color DVDs. That sucks. Oh well, better than nothing I suppose.


    Doug, solamente Doug... forget it, I'm outta heeee-eeere...
